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Procedure for Enrolment (as outlined in the school's Enrolment Policy)


  • Whitechurch NS is a Church of Ireland managed school however, we welcome pupils of all religions and none. We are an inclusive school and pride ourselves on our balanced and inclusive approach to religion. No faith formation takes place during school time- Communion/ Confirmation etc. is organised outside of the normal school day by parents with the local parishes. Our RE programme is the Follow Me programme which does not prescribe what to think- it encourages children TO think! Other world religions are studied as part of this programme. Children of all religions and none attend our school very successfully alongside each other and parents value our Christian and inclusive ethos. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have about our school so please feel free to arrange a meeting or phonecall. 

  • The school was set up and has a duty to provide school places for the members of the minority religion, Church of Ireland, and other Protestant children in the locality firstly (that is why religion is a section that can be completed on our enrolment forms). However, once those pupils have been offered places, any remaining places are then offered to other pupils. Siblings of those attending already will receive preference within each category. 

  • If you intend to apply for your child to enrol in Whitechurch NS, you should fill in the 'Intention to Apply for Enrolment Form' which may be accessed by clicking on the link below.

  • ​If you intend to apply less than 21 days before the child is due to start school, then a full application form should be completed. A full application form is also required for Junior Infants place applications in the year prior to the start of school. 

  • For those who have sent in a completed 'Intention to Apply for Enrolment' form the parents/ guardians will be requested to complete a full enrolment application form by the school. This 'Enrolment Application Form' may also be accessed by clicking on the link below.

  • Please note that the closing date for full enrolment application forms is as per the schools enrolment admissions policy

  • ​Late applications will be considered individually as per the schools enrolment admissions policy

  • ​Please note that the school must follow the procedures outlined in its Enrolment Policy. If you require any further information or advice relating to enrolment please contact the school via email or phone.

© 2013-2024 Whitechurch National School . All rights reserved.

Whitechurch National School is a registered Charity (RCN: 20119645)

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