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Supporting Pupils with Additional Needs

All children are unique and we respect the individuality of each of our pupils. At times a pupil may need some extra support with their learning. There are three main forms of support:

In Class Support- 

This is provided by the Support teacher and class teacher in the classroom and sees class teachers and support teachers working alongside each other (known as team teaching) to help provide a higher level of support to all pupils in a class. In the junior end of the school, this mainly takes place for Literacy or Numeracy and enables class teachers to set up station teaching or specific programmes such as 'Literacy Lift Off'. In the senior classes, station teaching occurs where pupils work at different activities at different stations around the classroom. The theory behind 'In Class Support' is that it provides early intervention and reduces issues experienced by pupils later on in their schooling. It also provides a lower pupil teacher ratio for key activities giving each pupil more time with a teacher. Pupils experiencing minor difficulties are supported in the classroom in a more holistic and inclusive way. 


Small Group Withdrawal-

Withdrawal in small groups is provided by Support teachers for key areas such as Literacy, Numeracy, behavioural issues, social skills etc. Depending on the individual child, this support may be required for differing lengths of time eg. one term or a full school year. 

The school will decide which pupils may be offered small group withdrawal Support depending on a number of factors. Usually, the class teacher will commence the 'staged approach' where some in class supports or interventions are put in place prior to this withdrawal support taking place. If the child in question still needs support, the Support teacher will become involved. 

Individual Support- 

This is a higher level of support, provided to children who have a serious assessed need. Usually, support teaching is provided on an individual basis- either through in class support or withdrawal depending on the needs of the child. For a child to receive individual support teaching hours, they will usually have an assessment report from a recognised professional and/or be presenting with significant difficulties in school.  

At all times parents are involved in the decision making process regarding the levels and forms of support offered to their child by the school. Support is always given at a level appropriate to the individual needs of a child within the overall allocation of support given to the school by the DES. 

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